In order to tone and increase your muscle mass, you should incorporate weights into your exercises. Of course, these weights will have very little weight, if any at all. We advise that you buy or borrow weights from a friend that weigh around 2 to 5 pounds.

With weights you will exercise the muscle zone right below and around the breasts. Doing this will stretch and work this area to be stronger and tighter, perking your breasts to greater heights. Moreover, you can do exercises with weights to shape your shoulders, neck, and chest, all of which will contribute to a better physical frontal appearance.

Women that have smaller breasts should be careful not to abuse the aerobic exercise: due to sweat and the loss of fat, they may even lose a half size in their busts.

as straight as possible  

Warm Up: whenever you do any kind of exercise with weights, we recommend that you do a small warm up of your limbs and muscles. Never do these exercises without having warmed up beforehands.

Take notice of your posture: When training with weights, you have to haev special care with the position of your body and hands. Your back should be as straight as possible when doing all of these exercises.

Esfuerzo y superación: como todo ejercicio con pesas, aunque las mancuernas que utilicemos sean de muy poco peso, lleva asociado en todo caso un esfuerzo. Los primeros días es muy normal que sienta cansancios muy acentuados que se irán suavizando con el paso de los días y el transcurrir de las semanas. Esto es debido a que su cuerpo necesita un período de adaptación para acostumbrarse a este tipo de ejercicios. El uso de complejos vitamínicos es muy aconsejable, para lo que debe consultar con su médico, farmacéutico o especialista.

Physical Effort and Exertion: Like any exercise with weights, even though the weights we use for these exercises are not very heavy, demand physical effort. In the first few days, it is very normal to feel accentuated fatigue which becomes less day to day over a few weeks. This is because the body needs time to adapt in order to become accustomed to these types of exercises. The use of vitamin complexes is very advisable. Consult your doctor, pharmacist, or specialist about these.



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