This last exercise is excellent for molding the breasts of women. We will need to be on the floor laying upwards, or on top of a small mat, rug, or the floor. Of course we recommend the use of a small workout mat, to prevent any other uncomfortable feelings from laying on the ground.

Sit on top of the small mat with your legs relaxed and cozy, in such a way that it is shown on the video. Extend your arms to the sides, holding the weights in the hands. You should start the exercise stretching the arms forward, in front of the chest, in such a way that the palms are facing each other.

Lift your arms while the chest contracts, noting how your breasts are stretching until they almost touch each other. When you get to upright position, squeeze and hold a few seconds. Later, lowering the arms slowly until they almost touch the ground.

It is very important to maintain the hamstring area tight against the ground as well as avoid bending the back.

Repeat this exercise 3 times each day. When it doesn't require as much work to complete the full amount of sets, you should increase the weight and the number of repetitions.


(*) Starting from the seventh week, your body will have accustomed to the exercise and weight of the yoke (dumbbell). No one better than yourself knows the needs of your own body, which is why we advise you that you be the one who increments the number of repetitions and weight for the exercises.



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