Sit in a chair with your back completely straight, preferably in front of a mirror. Before we have talked about sitting in front of a mirror, but this time we highly recommend it. Not only does it allow you to see what you are doing in a correctional guide sense, but it also allows you to prevent harm to your body.

When you are properly seated in the chair, grab a weight in each hand. Stretch your arms backwards until reaching the maximum point, just as it is shown in the video, but always without forcing it. Do this more the first few times.

Once you are in the situation that we just discussed, with the back completely erect and the breasts sticking outwards, make a circular movement with the arms and shoulders. Remember that you should maintain the arms completely straight.

The exercise will be mostly affecting the shoulders, which will result as stronger and better toned. You will note how this circular motion will act right above your chest and breasts, as well as your arms.

The repetition time that is recommended is 30 seconds. Make sure to do 3 sets each day. When you are sweating from doing this exercise, you can increment the amount of weight and the number of repetitions.

This is one of the exercises that women have the most trouble with, but it is also one of the most effective exercises to do because it tones and works the muscles around the breast area.


(*) Starting from the seventh week, your body will have accustomed to the exercise and weight of the yoke (dumbbell). No one better than yourself knows the needs of your own body, which is why we advise you that you be the one who increments the number of repetitions and weight for the exercises.



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