This exercise should be done preferably on foot in front of a mirror so that the first few times are not done incorrectly, and so that you may see yourself doing it correctly. With both hands, grab weights and lift them just a little below the breast line. The exercise will consist of opening the arms towards the side.

When you do the lateral openings with a weight in each hand, as it is shown in the video, try to maintain the back as straight as possible so that our strength produces the maximum amount of sets and prevent any type of cervical lesion.

Even though it may be hard at the beginning, do 3 series of 30 repetitions for each one. Remember that as the weeks progress the exercises will become more familiar and will be easier. You muscles will undergo muscular change. Your will of strength is important in continuing these exercises. The results of your breasts depend on how well you do each repetition and set. So don't cheat yourself and try your hardest on each one. If you aren't feeling a burn, you aren't doing a good job.


(*) Starting from the seventh week, your body will have accustomed to the exercise and weight of the yoke (dumbbell). No one better than yourself knows the needs of your own body, which is why we advise you that you be the one who increments the number of repetitions and weight for the exercises.



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