Breast performance recommends to follow this technique once to three times each week. In case you do not have enough time, or simply don't have enough will to complete the exercise, try to conclude the shower daily with a splash of cold water on the breasts. Be careful not to injure the nipples. By doing this, even though you haven't completed the exercises all the way, you will be toning them in some way.


In order to start, you should have a hand with a normal sponge in it. Standing in the shower, or with two cubes - one hot and another cold. Be careful not to have extremely hot water as you may burn your skin. Keep in mind that the skin of each women differs from the other. Thus every woman has there own support level for water temperature - do not harm yourself.

Firstly, let us start by wetting the sponge in cold water and making a light massage with it on both breasts. This massage should be approximately 30 seconds for each breast, and even though it may be annoying or difficult, we encourage you to continue with the practice. It is all for larger, beautiful and optimum results.

Once we have ended the first step, squeeze the sponge to get rid of all the cold water, next dipping it in completely hot water. Repeat the exercise with the same technique; 30 seconds on each breast. You will note the relaxing action in your breast. This change is due to the hot water on your breast following the massage of cold water, and as a result, feels pleasing.

Thirdly, let us return to squeeze out the sponge of the hot water, and wet it again with cold water. Go back and massage the breast one last time with the cold water just like the previous sets. This exercise, when completed continuously over time, is idea not only for firming female breasts, but also for toning the entire body after regular physical body workouts.

In order to finish this exercise, grab a towel and smoothly wipe your breasts dry of the water.

As a ideal complement to this exercise, you may want to use a cube of ice. This technique can result as very beneficial. Simply take the cube and massage your breasts with it. Of course, you should be careful not to rub your nipples with the ice cube because you could possibly damage them.



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